Bike Fitting Services
The Bike Fit
You will spend approximately 3 hours with one of our fit technicians. The session begins with a discussion of the type of riding that you do – or that you’d like to be able to do – and ends with the measurements for your optimal bike position and with your shoes and cleats adjusted for maximum power, efficiency, and injury prevention.
(wedges, screws and footbeds not included in the price, allow up to £95.00)
Bike Fit Follow-up
For check-ups on customers who have already had a Bike Fit, cleat fitting and alignment on new shoes, and anything else that we can help with.
Shoe & Cleat Set-up
For customers who have had a Bike Fit within the last two years.
If you are happy with your bike fit but want to make sure your shoes are adjusted correctly for comfort, performance and injury prevention.
Your Bike fit Technician will measure the size of your feet, the varus or valgus tilt and advise on the correct shoe design (get £25.00 off the fee when you purchase new shoes).
The cleats will be set in the correct position, and adjustments made to ensure optimum performance.
Custom footbeds can be made for internal support, and Wedges fitted if required.
You will need to bring your bike for this session.
- The Bike Fit£120
- Bike Fit Follow-up & Hourly Rate£100 per hour
- Shoe & Cleat Set-up£100
Call us on 01608 650933 or fill out this form to make a booking